Ultima Parody Songs

Clicking on each link below will take you to a page that contains the lyrics for that song as well as a link from which you can download an mp3!

Or you can go to Midas Radio and listen to the loop in continuous streaming format!

And get your MidaSkin for WinAmp here!

"Don't Hurry, Be Laggy"
"Magic Corp Por Ride"
Phase 2

"Can't Get Enough of Your Lewt"
"We Will RoxxU" (Remix)

"The UO Christmas Song"
(Newbies Roasting in a Field of Fire)
(lyrics only)
Phase 1
"50 Ways to Loot Another"
"Don't Smack Me Down"
"Just a Thief Ya Know / I Will Loot Your Body"
"Move It Away"
"Chain Lightning Crashes"
"Going To Trammel"
"Loot Take Boogie"
"Newbie Lewt"
( the one that started it all! )
"Ye OoO oOo OoO, Bwa Ha Ha Ha"
"Don't Bank So Close To Me"
"Hey Dewd"
"Message In A Bottle"
"Origin: Mine"
(first all-original Ultima song!!)
"Ultima Online 2"

Also, please check out the site of my band Mainframe for some original rock and roll songs!

Lyrics Only (Songs coming soon - maybe!)

"KewlDewdian Rhapsody"
(um, if I get really ambitious)